To my teenage daughter with Love.


Hey Mommas! Daughters are God’s way of saying, here’s a mini version of you protect her and take care of her.

Motherhood is the most difficult but yet rewarding job in the world. You have tiny humans depending on you every step of the way. But don’t worry momma, you got this!

when I became a mother for the first time at the age of 22, I was terrified of failing. I questioned everything as I knew nothing. This milestone in our lives is so special and these tiny humans that occupied a cozy room in our bodies are God’s gift to us.

Motherhood is the most terrifying and rewarding job any woman can have
— Maria Sanchez

Motherhood comes with no manual on how to do things and you have to do what your instinct tells you to do. When you become a Mother, everything you thought you knew about motherhood doesn’t make sense anymore.


With the Grace of God, my late mother and the help of my sisters I raised a beautiful girl. My daughter, Alex is now eighteen years old and is getting ready to start her first year in college.

She is the most responsible, artistic, and intelligent young woman that I know.

When I see her, I Thank God for this beautiful human that calls me Mom.


 So we know that our words are influential! We can build people up or we can tear people down with our words. As parents, we have the special privilege to speak blessings over our children. 

To my teenage daughter with love.

You are magical!

You are smart, creative and gifted in many ways.

Remember that life has ups and downs.

Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn.

You are strong!

It’s okay to be sad.

Baby Steps will move you mountains .

You are courageous!

Your voice matters.

You have the power to change the world!

No matter the circumstances, I will always be there for you.

As your children try new activities, sports, or a new job, speak life over them. Tell them “God has a plan and purpose for their life”

Claim God’s promises boldly for you and your family. The more you speak His promises out loud and claim things like “I have a sound mind or He will be with me every step of the way” the more confident your spirit becomes.


Dresses by Chicwish

Styles for women of all ages…

Through this all, one thing that has always brought my daughter and I together is our love for fashion.
I absolutely adore that my teenage daughter still loves what I pick out for her. Our sense of style is totally different but she still wears what I purchase for her.

I am glad that there are shops like Chicwish that offer conservative and stylish options for women of all ages. I buy about 90% of my clothes from this Boutique and also shop for my daughter there. The quality is amazing and the prices are incredible.


You can shop both these looks by following me on social media and on the liketoknowit app. Both of these dresses can be shopped below.

Love your daughters and hug them tight tonight.
Until our next adventure.



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