Grocery Hacks that will save you money

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Simple habit adjustments that will help you save more on groceries.

  1. Cut the cost of gourmet coffee

    Even coffee made at home can be pricey, if you have expensive taste in beans and roast. Mix pleasure with savings: Combine one part of your favorite gourmet coffee with one part of a much less expensive store brand. It’s a tasty and inexpensive combination that will save tons of money on the long run.

  2. Shop the perimeter of the store

    Food essentials (produce, meats, dairy, and bread) are usually located around the store's perimeter. Middle aisles have the more costly prepared and processed foods. The more you steer clear of the inner aisles, the healthier and cheaper your groceries will be.

  3. Don’t fall for limits

    Keep your money in your purse when you see signs like "Limit six per customer." Stores know that customers will buy more of an item if they think there's a shortage—and there generally isn't.

  4. Shop less often

    Try to stretch out the time between grocery-shopping trips. Instead of going once a week, go once every two weeks. You'll be forced to make your current food last longer and use up the food sitting patiently in the pantry and freezer.

    Have you done any of these things? Let me know in the comments.

    Until our next adventure,



Coffee, wine or coffee wine?


This is how to get unlimited free grocery delivery from Walmart